Sichuan Hualaixi trading Co., LTD

2 جيوب داخلية لحقائب اليد المصممة مسبقًا

تفاصيل المنتج:
مكان المنشأ: الصين
اسم العلامة التجارية: mixed load
رقم الموديل: حقائب الظهر النسائية
شروط الدفع والشحن:
الحد الأدنى لكمية: 50 زوجا
الأسعار: $13.96 a pair
تفاصيل التغليف: حقيبة مختلطة 25-30 زوجًا
القدرة على العرض: 1000 زوج من 12 إلى 15 سكي
  • معلومات تفصيلية
  • منتوج وصف

معلومات تفصيلية

إنهاء: سحاب البنطلون لون: متعدد الألوان
حجم: واسطة أسلوب: حقيبة كتف
وزن: كيلوغرام واحد أو نحو ذلك الداخلية: 2 جيوب داخلية
مادة: جلد
تسليط الضوء:

2 جيوب داخلية لحقائب اليد المصممة مسبقًا


حقيبة يد مصممة مسبقًا


جيبان داخليان لحقائب اليد المحبوبة مسبقًا

منتوج وصف

Multi-compartment leather branded handbags in various colors




The trend and fashionability of pre-owned international brand bags are its striking features

Variety of style options: Used international brand bags offer a rich variety of style options to meet the fashion needs of different people. Whether it's a classic style or a popular trend, you can find an international brand bag that suits your personal preference in the second-hand market. From classic handbags and crossbody bags to fashionable backpacks and chain bags, everyone can find a bag that matches their style.

High-quality design and craftsmanship: International brand bags are designed and crafted with attention to detail and quality control. Their products usually feature exquisite craftsmanship and high-quality materials to ensure the durability and textured appearance of the bags. These high standards of design and craftsmanship enable pre-owned international brand bags to remain influential and hot in the fashion world.




2 جيوب داخلية لحقائب اليد المصممة مسبقًا 0






Features Description
Diverse Range of Color Options Pre-owned bags offer a wide selection of colors to cater to individual preferences. Whether it's classic black or brown, or trendy red, blue, pink, and more, consumers can choose the color that suits their personal style and needs. Different colors of bags can add a pop of color to the overall outfit, showcasing individuality and fashion sense.
Varied Material Choices Pre-owned bags also come in various materials such as leather, nylon, canvas, and more. Each material has its own characteristics and style, catering to different preferences for texture and appearance. Leather materials often exude a high-end and luxurious feel, while nylon and canvas offer lightweight and practical options. Different materials suit different occasions and style needs.
Unique Design Style and Details Each brand and bag has its unique design style and details. Pre-owned bags carry forward the original brand's design aesthetics, featuring unique patterns, embellishments, iconic details, and specific shapes and design elements. Whether it's classic, trendy, luxurious, or personalized, each brand offers a rich range of style choices for consumers. The intricate design details of the bags also emphasize quality and visual appeal, making them standout fashion accessories.
Practical and Versatile Bags are typically designed with practicality and versatility in mind. They often have multiple compartments, pockets, and organizational sections, providing ample storage space and convenient organization. They can accommodate daily essentials such as wallets, phones, keys, cosmetics, and more. Some bags come with adjustable shoulder straps, handles, or crossbody straps to adapt to different carrying styles and occasions. Pre-owned bags offer practical functionality and convenience, whether for everyday use or special occasions.
Affordable Pre-owned bags usually come at a more affordable price compared to brand-new bags. Purchasing pre-owned bags allows cost savings while still obtaining high-quality products. For consumers who aspire to own branded bags but have a limited budget, pre-owned bags are an ideal choice. Additionally, buying pre-owned bags also contributes to reducing resource waste and environmental impact, promoting sustainability

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