Sichuan Hualaixi trading Co., LTD

Giày bóng rổ đã qua sử dụng nhẹ cao cấp Agile Cấu trúc bền

Thông tin chi tiết sản phẩm:
Nguồn gốc: Trung Quốc
Hàng hiệu: mixed load
Số mô hình: Giày Hàng Hiệu Cao Cấp Tổng Hợp
Thanh toán:
Số lượng đặt hàng tối thiểu: 50 Cặp
Giá bán: $14.8 a pair.
Điều khoản thanh toán: D/A, L/C, D/P, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram
  • Thông tin chi tiết
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Thông tin chi tiết

Thương hiệu: cao cấp Khép kín: Ren-up, Slip-on, v.v.
loại gót chân: Phẳng, đế trong: Da, Dệt may, v.v.
Vật liệu: Da, Da lộn, Lưới, v.v. Mùa: Xuân, Hạ, Thu, Đông, v.v.
Điểm nổi bật:

Giày bóng rổ đã qua sử dụng cao cấp


Giày bóng rổ đã qua sử dụng nhẹ Agile


Giày bóng rổ đã qua sử dụng cao cấp Kết cấu bền

Mô tả sản phẩm

  Premium Used Basketball Shoes: Cutting-Edge Technology, Agile and Lightweight Design, Unique Style, Durable Construction



  1. Advanced Technology: International basketball shoes incorporate cutting-edge technological innovations, including cushioning technologies, support systems, and traction designs. These technologies provide excellent shock absorption, stable support, and superior traction, enabling basketball players to perform at their best during games.

  2. Lightweight Design: International basketball shoes emphasize lightweight design to provide athletes with agility and speed. They utilize lightweight materials and structures to reduce unnecessary weight, allowing players to move and jump more freely.

  3. Personalized Style: International basketball shoes often feature unique appearances and personalized designs. They may offer distinct color schemes, iconic details, and trendy elements, catering to basketball players' desire for fashion and individuality.

  4. High Durability: International basketball shoes typically employ durable materials such as abrasion-resistant rubber outsoles. They undergo strict quality control and durability testing to ensure stability and longevity, even in high-intensity basketball games and training sessions.

In summary, second-hand international basketball shoes are characterized by brand recognition, advanced technology, lightweight design, personalized style, and high durability. They not only provide exceptional basketball performance but also represent the pinnacle of the international basketball scene. When selecting second-hand international basketball shoes, it is advisable to consider the brand's reliability, technological features, and the condition of the shoes to ensure they meet individual needs and preferences.




Giày bóng rổ đã qua sử dụng nhẹ cao cấp Agile Cấu trúc bền 0





Characteristics Description
Cutting-Edge Technology Incorporate advanced technologies such as cushioning systems and support features for enhanced performance.
Agile and Lightweight Design Designed to be lightweight and agile, allowing for quick movements and improved speed on the court.
Unique Style Feature distinctive designs, color schemes, and branding elements to stand out and make a fashion statement.
Durable Construction Built with high-quality materials and construction techniques to ensure long-lasting durability and withstand rigorous basketball activities.

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